Great entry for the Racecar-Trophy
Egon Hofer from Salzburg named a fabulous car for the Racecar Trophy. It is a Ferrari Dino 206SP. This Dino was built in 1966, at that time this car was a guarantee of victory in its displacement class. The 2 lit. engine produced 296 hp at 11,200 rpm. With a 5-speed gearbox, the car weighed 670 kg and had a top speed of 280 km/h.
Registrations for the Racecar-Trophy are still possible until March 31st.

There are four categories
- race cars until 1995
- Gran Turismo until1995
- rallye cars bis 1995
- super cars from 1995 until 2022
These are the locations
1) ÖAMTC Experience Center Gut Brandlhof in Saalfelden (circuit)
2) Tauplitzalm mountain challenge
3) Airfield Niederöblarn
All cars of the Racecar-Trophy take part at the Porsche Design Grand Prix of Gröbming on Saturday, July 23rd.
What makes the Racecar Trophy so popular is the fact that the special stages are free and the scoring mode is designed in a way that it is possible for every vehicle taking part to win.
From the Formula 1 Wolf to Abarth and Ferrari, everything that counts among the most spectacular cars will take part.